Traditional Chinese Medicine
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been practiced for thousands of years, with the theory of acupuncture channels, the use of acupuncture and moxibustion being first linked in Han times (206BC-220AD). TCM incorporates the treatments of acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, gua sha, herbal medicine, massage and Chinese dietary therapy (See other treatments page for detail of these treatments). All or any one of these treatments can be employed during a treatment session to help you.
Traditional Chinese medicine uses a unique set of principles to help get a better understanding from an oriental perspective of your body's current state of being. The words Yin, Yang and Qi are quite common these days and they provide the basic building blocks in the philosophy and practice of Chinese medicine. During the consultation a variety of questions will be asked in addition to the practitioner taking your pulse and looking at your tongue.
Traditional Chinese medicine uses a unique set of principles to help get a better understanding from an oriental perspective of your body's current state of being. The words Yin, Yang and Qi are quite common these days and they provide the basic building blocks in the philosophy and practice of Chinese medicine. During the consultation a variety of questions will be asked in addition to the practitioner taking your pulse and looking at your tongue.